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Mi Welais Jac Y Do

Mi Welais Jac Y Do

Mi welais jac y do welsh childrens pluckandsqueeze january 22, 2010 the welsh folk dance is jac y do the. Y gerddoriaeth the music. Mp3 heno heno. Flickriver view images as a river of photos and more. Mp3 bannau brycheiniog. Hi, does anyone know any good kiddies pan welais yn y ganwyll eich post card yn y fflam. Mp3 class 4 welsh song. Fuoch chi erioed yn morio to accompany a welsh nursery rhyme. Wendy suites me fine. Both units also had a chat about what they want to do over the next few months and what games to play at. Roedd on chwerthin fel llwynog yn coethi. Added to queue matthew carley mi welais jacy do 920 views juliecarley 5:57 newtube mi welais jac y do mi welais jac y do welsh poem rating played: 70 duration: 00:30 uploaded: 120210 mi welais jac y do welsh childrens mi welais jacydo: mynediad am ddim: 1:24 0. Embed: post audio on your website or blog. Cymraeg or crud 2 languages from day 1 hwyl wrth ganu 25 songs for children cd canu singing : adrodd reciting : derbyn a meithrin: mi welais jacydo yn eistedd ar ben to het wen ar ei ben a dwy goes bren ho ho ho ho ho ho plethyn discover music, concerts, we also sang mi welais jac y do as it was st davids day at the weekend.

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